Monday, May 2, 2011

Hypocrisy; The Nonsensical Nature of Human Behavior

Don't let the title of this blog post fool you....this is not an intellectual study about the human psyche or an incredibly accurate insight into behaviors. Instead, this is just a simple girl (moi) wondering aloud: WTH is up with how we act?!!

As human beings, we are instinctivley geared to view ourselves as "good" people. Even serial killer Ted Bundy built a defense case entirely upon his own self-image---boasting upon his personal successes and triumphs. Due to this strange truth, the vast majority of the human race cannot detect their own,personal shortcomings.

I especially love seeing people littering from vehicles that say "Save the Earth" and watching Jersey Shore castmates preach against precarious STD's. But, perhaps more irritating than these global conundrums, are watching the everyday situations which never cease to amaze me. I will not bore you with one million examples here, as we know how many exist. But, we can all readily admit that it is very plausible to say people are blind to themselves. We can also most likely agree that most humans are all too-willing to point out the personality flaws in others that they cannot recognize in themselves.

So, what I propose is this. Before speaking---look inward. It is harder to look in the mirror than it is to look at the masses.