Monday, July 16, 2012

And so another weekend has come to an (almost) close. As a working professional,working forty hours per week, your work week can feel a little something like this.

Since I don't work Monday's (insert your jealousy here), Tuesday through Thursday serve in my imagination as an incredibly annoying person you simply can't avoid. Tuesday is that horrible lady at the grocery store who knows (to the exact penny) how much produce prices have escalated in the last year and feels the dire need to share with you this worrisome phenomena. Wednesday is the rambling gentlemen at the doctors office that discusses with you, at length, his upcoming foot surgery. Thursday is the only slightly tolerable child of a fellow patron who screams from the time you arrive to get your "relaxing" pedicure at the salon until two hours later when you finally (mercifully) depart. Just like the inevitable and frequent run-ins we ALL have with tediously vexing individuals, Tuesday through Thursday continue to make their unwelcome appearances in a working professional's life---exasperating us all (even if just a little) each and every time.

Just when you think you can't take the the monotony of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, a new character arrives with a valiant rescue for your tired soul. In my imagination, Friday serves as the white knight in shining armor. Riding on their trusty steed, the knight finally rescues you from the sure desperation you are beginning to feel with a promise of a new start. And a new start you get! From the time you leave your workplace at (hopefully) 5:00 PM, the time is YOURS to enjoy. You dress however you like, go wherever you'd like to go, and do whatever you'd enjoy to do.


I have been fortunate enough, at certain points in my lifetime, to not be required to working a forty hour work week. It was glorious at first.....amazing even. However, over time, you begin to miss those frustrating characters. Without horrible Tuesday sharing her produce facts, how do you know which fruits and vegetable to buy? Minus Wednesday, you may miss an entertaining story to share with your friends. And, lets face it, if you plan on having children, Thursday is probably just a small glimmer of our own embarrassing, momentarily needling careers as parents. Furthermore, without Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ever so slightly trying your patience---how do you even begin to appreciate Friday for the greatness it bestows to those tolerantly awaiting it's arrival?

I'm fortunate enough to work a job I enjoy most of the time. I like the company I work for, I have co-workers who make me laugh throughout most of the work-week and that makes a professional atmosphere a little (or A LOT) more fun, and I'm even lucky enough to have my own spacious work-space. However,even in these (the truly best of) circumstances,you can often catch me staring out the window, dreamily, near my cubicle. Be certain that I am waiting to hear the hoof-prints of that trusty steed---that hero Friday on his way to deliver the weekend as I patiently work away :)

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