Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

It's SUNDAY!!!! A day of relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation!! I enjoy my lazy Sunday afternoons so much more than most people because (bragging rights again) I don't work Mondays anymore: ) :) :)

To me, Sunday serves as that frequent reminder to us all that we have completed another week. The time certainly flies in the life of a busy worker bee---as you hustle and bustle to complete all necessary tasks before the week's end. But, before you know it, there is Sunday again allowing you to kick up your feet, clip coupons, watch movies, and do whatever it is that makes you happy.

For me, my Sunday activity of choice has become writing again. Now, trust me, I'm not all:

"And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothings a local habitation and a name" (Shakespeare).

I'm more like:

"Wow! Glad I wrote that I remember what I did ten months ago!" (Chapo).

Written word is a memory. Operating as a literary scrapbook, the words remind you of where you've been and what you've accomplished. One such memory occurred to me this morning as I looked over my writing from an English course at Tallahassee Community College during my Freshmen year of schooling.

Holding what I thought my life would be. Haha

In the assignment, I discussed with the teacher where it was I saw myself in ten years. Re-reading it, at about the five year mark, I hate to tell my Freshmen self most of the crap I thought I'd have accomplished by then probably aint gonna happen. Sorry self!

Within my essay, I wanted to be married (check), have money stowed away (....mmm debatable), stay friends with all my hometown buddies (people did I), travel to Europe (I'd love to but we'll see), and live in my hometown close to my family for the rest of my life(probably can't/won't happen for several reasons).

I had almost forgotten about all the goals I had at that age. My essay brought back the recollection so vividly--it was like I was that 18 year old kid all over again---naivete and all.

I love my life now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. If I could go back and have a discussion with Freshmen Eliz it would probably go a little something like this: " think you have it figured out. You don't. In have nothing figured out. But I promise you could never, in your most imaginative day, dream of the adventures you will encounter moving forward. What you will encounter in growing up will far exceed the silly goals you have now. The failures you incur will beat the buns off, in experience, the victories you think you need now. So go with it, enjoy life, and don't forget to write everything down!"

Living my own, personal fairy tale life

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