Monday, May 3, 2010

My Introductory Post

Well hello there readers! I'm pretty sure I know who all two of you will be : )

Let me start by expressing a sentiment all my college homies can undoubtedly identify with....TGIS (Thank God It's Summer!!) I don't know about the rest of you folks, but when I find myself with any minute prospect of "free" time on my hands, I begin mentally/literally constructing a list. So far, my summer time "wish" list includes the following requests: unpack new bedding, register for remaining classes, do some date night with my boyfriend (who most likely dosnt even remember me anymore,) buy new planner, organize finances, create world peace, etc. All this I hope to accomplish in the...oh say...three days I have left to actually enjoy the break. Yah...thats gonna happen.

I decided to begin this blog to accomplish one of the items, not mentioned on the previous summer "wish" list. As a literature major, I sometimes really miss the very basis of why I fell in love with English in the first place--the chance to write about what I like! Yes...believe it or not the fascinating, albeit never-ending annalysis of thematic concepts in classic literature SOMETIMES gets monotonous. In admitting this, I'm pretty sure I the likes of Ezra Pound and Shakespeare are turning over in their respective graves.

My blog, decidedly, is titled after a hilarious conversation I had with a very close friend. One day, while discussing my life, my friend and I realized the absolute hilarity of the events which consistently befall me. Within the course of the discussion, we noted instances which were just too coincidental, ridiculous, fantastic, bizzare, and absurd to happen to anyone else. Some of these events included: the time I knocked myself out by running blindly into a sign post, the occurence of a prostitute being literally booted from my bus (as I sat interestedly observing in silence,) the story of me driving within the dire confines of a rain-storm and losing a the middle of my suburban neighbors yard (and he had the tire-tracks to prove it,) being hit on by a slightly illiterate man riding the Greyhound to Tallahassee (just for the record....the greyhound is NOT for the faint of heart,) utilzing a can for necessary purposes at the age of 21, and so on... Inarguably, my friend and I decided that there was no story, shared from another, that I COULDN'T top. Ingeniously, my friend looked me in the eye and said to me: "It's like you have the ace card at the game of life...." And so it was...I fell in love with the phrase that undoubtedly describes my life.

Until next time....


1 comment:

  1. Haha, CUTE ELIZ! Love the name, because it's so perfect. Can't wait to see what you've got going on! *_~
