Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Time V. Me: A Ceaseless, Yet Valiant Fight

So today, I'd like to pose a question to all my readers. Why the heck, do you think, it is still perfectly socially acceptable to use the quote: "time flies when your having fun?" Undeniably, when you hear that phrase, your initial, instinctual reaction is to punch whomever said it square in the jaw. It's like "ummm yah you think??!!" or "oh gee I didnt notice that my vacation of two days just sped by, and now I have only 180 more days of school...thanks so much for that valuable insight negative nancy!" Grr. It is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves, and I'm sure others can relate.
Early this morning, I was literally getting upset that my "summer vacation" is essentially already almost over. Thanks to UCF's INGENIOUS exams schedule, we were one of the few Universities to spill our finals over into THIS, supposed "break" week! Basically, I can attribute my tremendous gratitude at the University of Central Florida for ruining one of my few off days. A part of me wanted to call the administrative desk and go: "isnt the five hundred dollars we pay per semester ENOUGH cruel and unusal punsihment??!!"....but I digress
One helpful thing, that I, personally have done to halt the certainty of expedient "fun time," is to place more fun things into my life. I cannot tell you how innumerably this has changed my existence.
During the first semester at UCF, I was far too terrified of taking one false step within my college career to make "me" time. However, two semesters later I finally figured out that this was the key to true lifes happiness. This semester, alone, I was able to: vacation to Key West, enjoy a relaxing anniversary watching the Blue Man Group, have an almost-weekly walking/dinner date with my boyfriend, insert fun, hilarious friends into usually tedious study-groups, visit Downtown Disney (and get a dinner, drinks AND dessert on a budget of TWENTY DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!), enjoy a continual drinks day with a close friend in Orlando, and most recently go to Tallahassee for two friends joyous approaching-weddings planning. Granted, I had to bust my butt to get around these things.....but I could never regreat a one.
Finally it seems, I have figured out that this life truly is a one-time kinda deal. Therefore, I have deduced that I really need to live it up while I still can. Most of my friends are 22-25 years old. As far as I know, none of them have walkers, denchers, a false hip, etc. We are all at the age where life has become the most exciting time! The one thing I hope readers get, from this particular post, is that balancing your personal and professional time is an absolutley winnable fight! You just have to want it badly enough for yourself. So folks....keep putting up your dukes to battle that never-ending nemesis, the antagonist that rules us all....time.

Catch You Folks Later!


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